The world says; "Correction is a personal attack threatening it's self esteem."
God says; Proverbs 27:5-7 …5 Better an open rebuke than love that is concealed. 6 The wounds of a friend are faithful, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. 7 The soul that is full loathes honey, but to a hungry soul, any bitter thing is sweet."
The world says; that a good friend tells you what you want to hear.
Proverbs 28:23
"He who rebukes a man will later find more favor than one who flatters with his tongue."
Many times I have experienced personal attacks because I corrected the wrong thinking of someone who said they were Christians but did or were going to disobey God's Word.
Because of the mentality of those who walk in arrogance, these people would poke at every little thing I was saying and doing that was not wrong, just different from what they would do. It was an attempt to create anger in me so they could dismiss my correction.
I have had people mock my home decorations and illnesses as though I was lying about having them. These people have criticized my cooking, the food I eat, my clothing, and the Biblical beliefs I cling to because God said it in His Word. They have lied about my marriage, my friendships and other matters that were not sins.
One correction toward the arrogant person can bring on a lifetime of demeaning from those who are full of anger and unable to self-reflect to be able to change. They blame their angry heart on those they wish to discredit.
When a rebellious culture hates the truth because it bothers their desired lifestyle, they will attack everything you say and do to make you look unworthy of love and attention. These people make up lies about us and pass them on to others in the hope that we will have no source of support.
This does not work with those who have the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is all we need to sustain our walk with Him. Those who attempt to discredit us through continual condemnation over the silliest matters hate that we are confident and secure in Christ. This leads me to believe demons are at work in their minds even if they do not know it. There is no benefit to the gossiper except to feel momentarily in control of someone else's reactions.
Those who are influenced by the angry party will never go to the person being gossiped about and ask their side of the story. If we are wise we will never tell our side to those who have already believed the angry person. Only once did someone come to me to find out the truth of my side and it was for the purpose of gathering information to carry back to the angry person who sent them. It was a trap and the words I said were twisted and embellished to mean what I never said. And so the monstrous lies and intimidation continued.
The only recourse when dealing with angry people is to remove them completely from your life, at least this way we never know what is going on between the angry person and those who follow them. It is wise to remove from our lives anyone who is friends with the angry person.
Proverbs 10:18 "The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool,"
Proverbs 25:12 "Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man’s rebuke to a listening ear."
Those who reject correction are deliberately misjudging, with misguided and inappropriate perceptions based on their hatred for us rather than the truth without ever listening to the whole matter.
Proverbs 20:19 "19 One who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets; Therefore do not associate with a gossip."
Proverbs 25:9-10
"9 Argue your case with your neighbor,
And do not reveal the secret of another,
10 Or one who hears it will put you to shame,
And the evil report about you will not pass away."
It is not wise to tell our encounters with just anyone, we must be careful that the one we share our lives with can be trusted to keep our confidence and will trust in us to be truthful.
Gossipers and their followers cannot be trusted and are deliberately attempting to cause harm without reason, except their intense jealousy of our peace and joy.
It is common for angry people to trust in gossip, hoping to find something to hold against them, even if they have to make it up or embellish innocent actions to make them sound like a problem.
One thing I have noticed is that over time the gossiper loses friends frequently, they have no love, no kindness except when they are manipulating others to elevate themselves. When the honeymoon is over and they can no longer control their friends, they begin the smear campaign to discredit those who have done nothing to them except stand against their attacks.
Satan is using this kind of angry person in every venue all the time now. In families, churches, politics and everything else to cause division and strife.
1 Peter 5:7-9 "…7Cast all your anxiety on Him (Christ), because He cares for you. 8 Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in your faith and in the knowledge that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.…"
When someone has proven to be angry judging everything you say and do without cause, remove them and continue following Christ even if you have to do it alone for the present. Eventually God will bring others who love the Lord as you do and your fellowship will be sweet and peaceful.
James 4:7
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Ephesians 6:11-12
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
2 Corinthians 11:14
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
When we lean on Christ there will be no guilt for walking away from evil people. There will be attempts to cause false guilt in us by those who do not understand, ignore them and obey Christ.
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