Years ago, we had living next door to us an elderly couple. They are both gone now, but their lives impacted me in a way that will never be forgotten.
Gene and Stella were the grandparents we never had. They lived so close that we could look out our window and see into their house next door.
Over the years we developed a close relationship. One day we were told that Stella was dying. She
opted to stay in their home and die there, it took her six weeks before passing over. We spent time going back and forth during these very hard days, to uphold Gene and comfort and serve Stella.
One night during those sad days, I lay awake so long in bed with many thoughts about their life, especially wondering if they were saved. I had spoken to them of the gospel on a couple of occasions over the years, they said they knew it but never left the Catholic church. Stella finally passed on Thanksgiving day, the day of their wedding anniversary.
On this sleepless night, I rose and went to the old Underwood type writer that I purchased in a garage sale for $10, and began to write a poem about those last few weeks we had with Stella. We were involved with the pro-life movement back then, and often I thought of the state of our world and the way it was going, so rapidly away from Christ, even in the churches. From those thoughts came this poem, I will share it with you now.
We were in the throws of the "Death with Dignity" legislation then, and it was beyond my thinking that anyone would want another person to die for the sake of their own convenience.
Gracious Departing by Gwendolyn Wehage: Written in 1987
No predicament can be known more difficult,
Than braving the pain and anguish in seclusion.
Adversity subsides to a tolerable degree,
when family and friends commit to thee.
Unbearable they agony when absent thee be.
Cease not they sacrifice of love.
Choose gladly, encumbrance of time and space,
That loneliness of heart exhibit not upon thy face.
Not long have I to dwell upon this earth.
Support mine head and lift thou my spirits,
Only a glimpse of time shall this circumstance be,
Be thou a companion to me.
Let thine eyes cry on my behalf, the tears gladly shed.
Allow time to cease to be thine own,
Money; count it a trivilaity.
Look not upon thy sacrifice as severe,
but training for thy future.
Pray not a speedy death with dignity,
but rather, life with gracious dependency.
Gwendolyn Wehage 1987
Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Gospel in the Stars By Dave Hunt
The Gospel in the StarsHunt, Dave
For the last several months, we have been calling attention to the alarming fact that even among evangelicals, in apparent fulfillment of Paul's warning concerning the last days, sound doctrine is being set aside in favor of myths . These are being foisted on the church by some of the most respected church leaders—and being embraced by millions of Christians, who seemingly have insufficient discernment to recognize today's deceptions. Most of these myths derive from "Christian psychology." This month we will consider one that does not: the seductive and dangerous idea of the "Gospel in the Stars."
This theory was popular in the late 1800s. Some of the books published then have lately been brought back into print, among them E. W. Bullinger'sWitness of the Stars and Joseph A. Seiss's The Gospel in the Stars . It is asserted that the signs of the zodiac were originally designed by God to communicate the "gospel"; that this "Gospel in the Stars" was known to those living before the flood; that it was later corrupted into astrology; and that the alleged recovery of the "gospel interpretation" of the zodiac is a great witness to God and His Word.
Not one shred of historical evidence can be offered in support of this theory. It is based not upon fact but speculation. Seiss even admits that the insights leading to his thesis came "in connection with his studies of the marvelous wisdom embodied in the Great Pyramid at El Giza" (p 5). The alleged "Gospel in the Stars" is simply a "Christian" interpretation of astrology and occultism, in the same class as pyramidology—and equally dangerous.
It is claimed that "by way of the Bible itself we reach the idea of the GOSPEL IN THE STARS" (Seiss, p. 13). Not so! While the Bible frequently states that the heavens are given for "signs," it never even implies that these "signs" present the gospel . The Bible indicates that creation reveals God's glory and power , which are "clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made" (Rom:1:20) and that "there is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard" (Ps:19:3). Never does it say that the heavens or any other part of creation declare the gospel . That is presented only by God's Word and preaching—and that not even by angels, but only by men.
The idea of "The Gospel in the Stars" puts an alleged witness from creation on a par with the revelations contained in the Bible. If this thesis is correct, then there are many places (Ps:19:1-4
, Rom:1:19-24
, Heb:1:1-2
, 2 Pt 1:21, etc.) where the Bible could have told us that the "gospel is in the stars"but it does not. Hebrews:1:1, for example, tells us that God "spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets" but fails to say that He also spoke in the stars. Why does the Bible never propose this idea? Obviously because creation witnesses to one thing, prophets to something else. The creation witnesses to God's eternal existence and power and wisdom; the Bible takes it from there and explains the gospel. This distinction is destroyed by asserting that the gospel is contained in the stars.
Actually, those who promote this myth admit that the gospel can't be seen in the stars themselves, but that it comes from a "Christianized" interpretation of the fanciful "signs" of the zodiac assigned by the ancients to certain constellations. Nor can these figures be seen in the natural formations of the stars; they are the arbitrary product of human imagination. D. James Kennedy, one of those who promote Seiss's thesis, admits in his sermon "The Gospel in the Stars" that "You can look at the stars in Virgo until you are green in the face and they would never look like a woman." And even if they did, one would not know from that "sign" that the Son of God and Savior of the world was to be born of a virgin—much less that He would die in our place and offer pardon for sin as a free gift of God's grace. One simply cannot derive the "gospel" from the starry heavens, or from any other part of creation!
Therefore, in no way can the alleged "Gospel in the Stars" be equated with what the Bible says the "heavens declare"—a message that Paul reminds us is "clearly seen" (Rom:1:20) and understood by all those who observe God's creation, no matter what their language (Ps:19:3). That this is not the case with the "Gospel in the Stars" is obvious. In fact, the very idea that the "gospel" is in the stars would never have entered the average Christian's (nor pagan's!) head from looking up at the starry heavens. Yet, in complete contradiction both of Scripture and common sense, it is declared that the gospel "in all its length and breadth, stands written upon the stars....(Seiss, p 14). The truth is that the alleged "Gospel in the Stars" is not contained in the stars at all. It is found only in the books that tell us about this supposed wonder of the heavens and pretend to give us the original meanings allegedly conveyed in ancient oral traditions—for which there can be found no historical evidence today.
Even the Southern Cross, which is the only constellation that really forms a somewhat recognizable figure (and thus is "Exhibit A" for those who promote this myth), fails on at least two counts. First of all, the "gospel" is not clear from looking at a cross. One can only wonder that evangelicals, who reject the notion that the gospel is preached by a cross in a church, would suggest that it is preached by a much less clearly formed "cross" in the sky. Even the physical meaning of such a symbol was unknown before Roman times; and to this day the spiritual meaning of the Cross is unknown to those who have never read the Bible or heard the gospel preached by men .
Secondly, the fact that the Old Testament doesn't even mention the Cross is reason enough to reject any suggestion that an oral tradition interpreting the stars presented that truth before Christ's advent. David's statement in Psalm 22 ("they pierced my hands and my feet") was only understood after its meaning had been revealed through its fulfillment in Christ. So even a "cross" clearly depicted in the stars could not possibly have conveyed the "gospel," which was not revealed until after Christ's crucifixion. How much less, then, could any other symbol do so—then or now!
To suggest that there was an oral tradition connected to the stars that presented the gospel , when even the Old Testament did not present it, puts oral tradition above Scripture and thus undermines God's Word. In the Genesis 3 statement by God that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent's head, the gospel is contained only in embryo and in mystery, and was not understood until the New Testament revealed it. Even were the "signs of the zodiac" distinct, without the Bible, and with only the stars themselves to look at, no one could understand the gospel from them. In fact, the symbols of the zodiac have universally served to support occultism and astrology since the earliest times. To suggest that the "gospel" was their "original meaning" promotes a deadly delusion.
The word "gospel" is used 101 times in 95 verses in the Bible (all New Testament) and it is never associated with the stars or the witness of creation. The gospel is always preached by men and must be made perfectly clear for it to be of any effect. The alleged "Gospel in the Stars" fails on both counts. Moreover, Matthew:24:14, Mark:13:10, etc. indicate that the gospel must yet be preached to all nations, and thus it clearly had not been preached in the stars—certainly not in "all its length and breadth..." as Seiss, et al. enthusiastically but erroneously declare.
The Bible indicates that the gospel began to be preached with the advent of Christ (2 Tim:1:10). Paul refers to "the beginning of the gospel" (Philippians 4:15) and states that it had been a mystery until then " kept secret since the world began" (Rom:16:25). It is a contradiction of Scripture to suggest that for thousands of years before it was made clear in the Bible, the gospel had been proclaimed in an oral tradition associated with the stars. Yet Seiss claims that "men who lived almost a thousand years [i.e., those before the flood]" were taught the "gospel" by God from the stars. Then why did Christ, during His time in Hades, preach the gospel to those who had lived before the flood (see 1 Pt 3:19-20)—and why didn't Noah, in his preaching to these people before they died, present the "gospel" that was in the stars?
It just doesn't add up from any angle. Yet Seiss, for example, swept up in an enthusiasm that carried him far beyond facts and reason, expansively declared: "...all the great doctrines of the Christian faith were known, believed, cherished, and recorded [in the stars] from the earliest generations of our race, proving that God has spoken to man, and verily given him a revelation of truths and hopes precisely as written in our Scriptures, and so fondly cherished by all Christian believers" (p 15). That is quite simply false. And such speculation, far from supporting the Bible, actually undermines it and gives mankind an excuse to look to oral traditions instead of only to God's written Word.
If the "gospel in the stars" is biblical, why doesn't the Bible even once refer to it? Why didn't the prophets mention it for support and build upon it? Why on the day of Pentecost didn't Peter, who referred to signs in the sky (Acts:2:19), use this great "sign"? One would think that such a witness would have had a powerful effect upon Jews "who require a sign." Why didn't Paul, in reasoning with the Greeks at Athens (or in his many debates with unbelievers elsewhere), along with referring to what their "own poets have said" (Acts 17), mention this great "sign" in the heavens? Why didn't Jesus, who quoted so often from the Old Testament and continually used illustrations, make at least one reference to the gospel in the stars?
Such total silence throughout Scripture upon a topic that we are now told is of great value disproves this thesis. Notice that Paul, in reasoning with his audience from creation, did not go beyond what creation declares plainly to all and that which is known by all in their consciences. The very claim that the "gospel" is in the stars is inconsistent with the knowledge that Scripture attributes to creation and with the manner in which Christ and His apostles referred to creation for a witness. When it came to the gospel, Paul based what he said upon Scripture and Christ's life, death and resurrection—not upon the signs of the zodiac!
Why devote a newsletter to the "Gospel in the Stars"? We do so because this currently popular myth encourages a deadly mixture of humanism and Christianity—the very ecumenical/syncretistic delusion that is growing in our own day. It is similar to the "All truth is God's truth" myth that makes Freud, Jung and other godless humanists—or Buddha, Krishna, Mary Baker Eddy, et al.—legitimate sources of God's Truth. Preaching the gospel from the signs of the zodiac is like presenting it from Star Wars or other occultic stories, which some have done. Seiss himself fell into that trap.
In his chapter titled "The Suffering Redeemer," Seiss declares (p 38), "In the divine triad of Brahmanic deities the second, the Son, the One who became incarnate in the man-god Krishna, sits upon his throne cross-legged, holding the cross in his right hand; and he is the god of deliverance....It is the same story of deliverance and salvation through the Cross-bearer, the divine Son of the Virgin." This is the kind of syncretistic folly presented by such cults as Unity and Science of Mind, and which is now coming even into the evangelical church in so many ways. Though its promoters may be sincere, the "Gospel in the Stars" is just one more means of causing similar deadly confusion. Let's devote ourselves to the study of God's Word as our only and sufficient source of Truth! TBC
Gospel in the Stars
Every so often there is a new heresy or interpretation of the Bible that becomes popular and takes root for a time and then dies out of conversation, however, in the process of dying from conversation, there are many who incorporate it into
their thinking as though it is fact and teach it as such.
One of those that I will touch on today is the notion that the gospel is demonstrated in the stars. This is a dangerous myth, that was resurrected from times past. There is nothing new under the sun, everything that emerges in modern day was tried and propagated in the past in one form or another.
It seems that the Bible is not enough for many "believers", that there is a need to have special new knowledge that others do not have. It is also an attempt to continually gain knowledge as a means of elevating self.
2 Timothy 3:6-7
"For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth."
I get the impression that this verse is speaking of a lust for knowledge but not true knowledge that comes from God.
Everything that the next generation thinks is brand new, is just old regurgitated paganism. Satan must re-introduce his lies with each new generation, making them think that they have something special, appealing to the ego and pride is the business of our enemy and the enemy of Christ.
Godly men of old did not miss this "hidden" wisdom as so many gullible women think, but they possessed the Holy Spirit and could and did have the whole truth.
John 16:13 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come."
A very good article on the subject of "Gospel in the Stars" is below.
Every so often there is a new heresy or interpretation of the Bible that becomes popular and takes root for a time and then dies out of conversation, however, in the process of dying from conversation, there are many who incorporate it into
their thinking as though it is fact and teach it as such.
One of those that I will touch on today is the notion that the gospel is demonstrated in the stars. This is a dangerous myth, that was resurrected from times past. There is nothing new under the sun, everything that emerges in modern day was tried and propagated in the past in one form or another.
It seems that the Bible is not enough for many "believers", that there is a need to have special new knowledge that others do not have. It is also an attempt to continually gain knowledge as a means of elevating self.
2 Timothy 3:6-7
"For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth."
I get the impression that this verse is speaking of a lust for knowledge but not true knowledge that comes from God.
Everything that the next generation thinks is brand new, is just old regurgitated paganism. Satan must re-introduce his lies with each new generation, making them think that they have something special, appealing to the ego and pride is the business of our enemy and the enemy of Christ.
Godly men of old did not miss this "hidden" wisdom as so many gullible women think, but they possessed the Holy Spirit and could and did have the whole truth.
John 16:13 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come."
A very good article on the subject of "Gospel in the Stars" is below.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Narcissism Is Growing
Narcissism is growing because 2 Timothy 3 is being fulfilled in front of our eyes.
2 Timothy 3:2-5 says;
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3:3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
3:4 t
raitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
What are the characteristics of people described in the 2 Timothy passage? In our modern day these people are referred to as "Narcissists."
Narcissists are people who have little concern if any for anyone but themselves.
1. Selfishness, without regard to the needs or desires of others. All their decisions are made on the basis of their own whims.
2. No remorse for abuse, outbursts or mistakes or misdeeds. Ever.
3. Unreliable, undependable, does not finish projects for others and often proud of it as though it is a manipulative tactic to control the victim.
4. Cares not about the consequences, but when challenged about their attitude they become angry.
5. Projects their faults on others, attempting to make their own bad behavior or mistakes someone else's fault.
6. Little if any conscience for harming or inconveniencing others.
7. Insensitive to the needs of others especially those who are closest to them. Make snap decisions that they demand be carried out immediately.
8. Vengeful when confronted with their sinful behavior.
9. Isolates his victims, who depend on him, from others, to be able to control them.
10. Easily angered and tendency to rage when someone disagrees with them or exposes them.
11. Humiliates those he hates in public and in subtle ways that are hard to detect for onlookers but are obvious to the victim.
12. Manipulates others through intimidation in order to get their own needs and desires met.
13. Twists conversations and elevates voice to intimidate and control others in the conversation and to elevate self.
14. Pathological lying, often by omission and are secretive.
15. Must control situations, conversations and others in their path.
16. Has only superficial values, situational ethics and is enraged when confronted to change.
17. Uses superficial and phony caring and understanding to control others.
18. Sets people up to fail, by negating everything they do.
19. Jumps to conclusions about matters refusing to discuss them.
20. Laughs at the pratfalls of others, but has no sense of humor otherwise.
21. The only real emotion he/she is likely to display is anger, relatively emotionless.
22. Never expresses sorrow or shame for anything they do.
23. Controls money, and makes decisions apart from their spouse.
24. Buys big items for themselves, but rages when others buy little things.
25. Controls the comings and goings of spouse, forbids travel without permission.
26. Contradictory, makes no sense when in an argument because winning is more important than truth.
27. Does not discuss openly his hidden agenda.
28. Has no personality, because hiding causes us to be so outwardly controlled that every part of us is hidden. This person is burdened continually with never being discovered.
29. Kind only if this person is getting what they want.
30. Does not forgive others, and even uses vengeful acts to dig at their target. Some of these acts are very subtle.
31. If trapped in a conversation, this person will talk so fast and so long that no one else can be a part of the conversation.
32. Shows little interest in what the other person is saying, is always in defense stance to win. Interrupts a lot and is angry if someone else does to be a part of the conversation.
33. Enjoys annoying others.
34. Ignoring special days and expected kindnesses as a subtle way of revenge for perceived wrongs done to them, will not talk about it, nor listen if confronted.
35. Hatred toward the target is continual but subtle, to unnerve the victim. If the victim is strong enough and educated enough to ignore the attacks, then the narcissist retreats and isolates himself and his family from the target.
36. Begins projects and often does not finish them, mostly to irritate those who would like them finished, or out of lack of concern for others.
37. Has no compassion for those who are ill.
38. Seldom expresses appreciation for others or encouragement for their efforts, but expects it for himself.
We have all known people like this, often they tend to be runners, because they burn out their victims, when the victims catch on and take control of their own lives, then the narcissist runs.
I have been meeting more and more of these kind of people, many more in the 40 something crowd, than in the "great generation" of World War II.
I am convinced that this condition was precipitated by the teaching of self esteem and by divorce and remarriage, often the people suffering from this had no fathers in the home and they have had little instruction or discipline as children. They were left to themselves, so that the only person they were responsible for was themselves.
This is also the reason they are not teachable and are such a frustration to those who have to live with them.
How do we deal with these people? We do not allow them to control us by their tactics simply by ignoring them. When they have a tantrum, we simply do not respond to the silliness and continue to tell the truth. Never get angry with a narcissist, this only fuels them, making them believe they have won.
If someone like this continually acts out, and they are not a spouse, then we must get away from them. If this person is a spouse, then the best thing to do is stay in constant prayer.
One of the tactics of these people is to attempt to make their victim feel guilty continually. If they can keep their victim in a state of sadness or feeling guilty then their tactics work and they will keep doing it.
In prayer evaluate your own actions, if there is no reason to be guilty then dismiss it as false guilt. Soon you will be able to identify easily the manipulation and tactics of the narcissist and they will modify their behavior if they see it is not working. Their biggest weapon, is keeping their victim continually frustrated, angry, depressed and feeling helpless.
Do not be helpless, you have the Lord, and if you are not guilty of anything and know it, then the narcissist has no power over you.
Be honest, if you are guilty confess it to the narcissist and do not allow him to continually use your confessed sin to control you. Simply state calmly that he said he forgave you and you know God has too and with a smile on your face, get on with your life.
Manipulators and narcissists count on your mental condition to be in a miserable state, when they see they cannot control you this way, they will quit or leave.
I write about this because narcissism is increasing and to be educated on the subject, will empower those who have to endure the foolishness of a narcissist.
Married people do not have to divorce over this, they can become strong and even have a peaceful marriage even if the narcissist never changes. God is in control of our hearts, and what goes on in our hearts is more important than what anyone will do to us.
Psalm 46:1 "To the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A Song for Alamoth. God [is] our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."
Stay close to God, a narcissist can cripple us in our walk and even ruin our witness by their attitudes and actions. We must not allow evil men to control our walk with the Lord.
John 3:19 ""And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Romans 12:17 "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men."
Be strong and bold, but never violate God's Word in the doing.
Titus 3:2 "to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men."
Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile [you], and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake."
Romans 8:39 "nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
God did give us permission in 2 Timothy 3, to keep these people out of our lives unless they are family members living in the same household, then we will need more prayer and strength from the Holy Spirit.
Pray for them!!!!
2 Timothy 3:2-5 says;
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3:3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
3:4 t
raitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
What are the characteristics of people described in the 2 Timothy passage? In our modern day these people are referred to as "Narcissists."
Narcissists are people who have little concern if any for anyone but themselves.
1. Selfishness, without regard to the needs or desires of others. All their decisions are made on the basis of their own whims.
2. No remorse for abuse, outbursts or mistakes or misdeeds. Ever.
3. Unreliable, undependable, does not finish projects for others and often proud of it as though it is a manipulative tactic to control the victim.
4. Cares not about the consequences, but when challenged about their attitude they become angry.
5. Projects their faults on others, attempting to make their own bad behavior or mistakes someone else's fault.
6. Little if any conscience for harming or inconveniencing others.
7. Insensitive to the needs of others especially those who are closest to them. Make snap decisions that they demand be carried out immediately.
8. Vengeful when confronted with their sinful behavior.
9. Isolates his victims, who depend on him, from others, to be able to control them.
10. Easily angered and tendency to rage when someone disagrees with them or exposes them.
11. Humiliates those he hates in public and in subtle ways that are hard to detect for onlookers but are obvious to the victim.
12. Manipulates others through intimidation in order to get their own needs and desires met.
13. Twists conversations and elevates voice to intimidate and control others in the conversation and to elevate self.
14. Pathological lying, often by omission and are secretive.
15. Must control situations, conversations and others in their path.
16. Has only superficial values, situational ethics and is enraged when confronted to change.
17. Uses superficial and phony caring and understanding to control others.
18. Sets people up to fail, by negating everything they do.
19. Jumps to conclusions about matters refusing to discuss them.
20. Laughs at the pratfalls of others, but has no sense of humor otherwise.
21. The only real emotion he/she is likely to display is anger, relatively emotionless.
22. Never expresses sorrow or shame for anything they do.
23. Controls money, and makes decisions apart from their spouse.
24. Buys big items for themselves, but rages when others buy little things.
25. Controls the comings and goings of spouse, forbids travel without permission.
26. Contradictory, makes no sense when in an argument because winning is more important than truth.
27. Does not discuss openly his hidden agenda.
28. Has no personality, because hiding causes us to be so outwardly controlled that every part of us is hidden. This person is burdened continually with never being discovered.
29. Kind only if this person is getting what they want.
30. Does not forgive others, and even uses vengeful acts to dig at their target. Some of these acts are very subtle.
31. If trapped in a conversation, this person will talk so fast and so long that no one else can be a part of the conversation.
32. Shows little interest in what the other person is saying, is always in defense stance to win. Interrupts a lot and is angry if someone else does to be a part of the conversation.
33. Enjoys annoying others.
34. Ignoring special days and expected kindnesses as a subtle way of revenge for perceived wrongs done to them, will not talk about it, nor listen if confronted.
35. Hatred toward the target is continual but subtle, to unnerve the victim. If the victim is strong enough and educated enough to ignore the attacks, then the narcissist retreats and isolates himself and his family from the target.
36. Begins projects and often does not finish them, mostly to irritate those who would like them finished, or out of lack of concern for others.
37. Has no compassion for those who are ill.
38. Seldom expresses appreciation for others or encouragement for their efforts, but expects it for himself.
We have all known people like this, often they tend to be runners, because they burn out their victims, when the victims catch on and take control of their own lives, then the narcissist runs.
I have been meeting more and more of these kind of people, many more in the 40 something crowd, than in the "great generation" of World War II.
I am convinced that this condition was precipitated by the teaching of self esteem and by divorce and remarriage, often the people suffering from this had no fathers in the home and they have had little instruction or discipline as children. They were left to themselves, so that the only person they were responsible for was themselves.
This is also the reason they are not teachable and are such a frustration to those who have to live with them.
How do we deal with these people? We do not allow them to control us by their tactics simply by ignoring them. When they have a tantrum, we simply do not respond to the silliness and continue to tell the truth. Never get angry with a narcissist, this only fuels them, making them believe they have won.
If someone like this continually acts out, and they are not a spouse, then we must get away from them. If this person is a spouse, then the best thing to do is stay in constant prayer.
One of the tactics of these people is to attempt to make their victim feel guilty continually. If they can keep their victim in a state of sadness or feeling guilty then their tactics work and they will keep doing it.
In prayer evaluate your own actions, if there is no reason to be guilty then dismiss it as false guilt. Soon you will be able to identify easily the manipulation and tactics of the narcissist and they will modify their behavior if they see it is not working. Their biggest weapon, is keeping their victim continually frustrated, angry, depressed and feeling helpless.
Do not be helpless, you have the Lord, and if you are not guilty of anything and know it, then the narcissist has no power over you.
Be honest, if you are guilty confess it to the narcissist and do not allow him to continually use your confessed sin to control you. Simply state calmly that he said he forgave you and you know God has too and with a smile on your face, get on with your life.
Manipulators and narcissists count on your mental condition to be in a miserable state, when they see they cannot control you this way, they will quit or leave.
I write about this because narcissism is increasing and to be educated on the subject, will empower those who have to endure the foolishness of a narcissist.
Married people do not have to divorce over this, they can become strong and even have a peaceful marriage even if the narcissist never changes. God is in control of our hearts, and what goes on in our hearts is more important than what anyone will do to us.
Psalm 46:1 "To the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A Song for Alamoth. God [is] our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."
Stay close to God, a narcissist can cripple us in our walk and even ruin our witness by their attitudes and actions. We must not allow evil men to control our walk with the Lord.
John 3:19 ""And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Romans 12:17 "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men."
Be strong and bold, but never violate God's Word in the doing.
Titus 3:2 "to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men."
Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile [you], and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake."
Romans 8:39 "nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
God did give us permission in 2 Timothy 3, to keep these people out of our lives unless they are family members living in the same household, then we will need more prayer and strength from the Holy Spirit.
Pray for them!!!!
Narcissism Is Growing
Narcissism is growing because 2 Timothy 3 is being fulfilled in front of our eyes.
2 Timothy 3:2-5 says;
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3:3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
3:4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
What are the characteristics of people described in the 2 Timothy passage? In our modern day these people are referred to as "Narcissists."
Narcissists are people who have little concern if any for anyone but themselves.
1. Selfishness, without regard to the needs or desires of others. All their decisions are made on the basis of their own whims.
2. No remorse for abuse, outbursts or mistakes or misdeeds. Ever.
3. Unreliable, undependable, does not finish projects for others and often proud of it as though it is a manipulative tactic to control the victim.
4. Cares not about the consequences, but when challenged about their attitude they become angry.
5. Projects their faults on others, attempting to make their own bad behavior or mistakes someone else's fault.
6. Little if any conscience for harming or inconveniencing others.
7. Insensitive to the needs of others especially those who are closest to them. Make snap decisions that they demand be carried out immediately.
8. Vengeful when confronted with their sinful behavior.
9. Isolates his victims, who depend on him, from others, to be able to control them.
10. Easily angered and tendency to rage when someone disagrees with them or exposes them.
11. Humiliates those he hates in public and in subtle ways that are hard to detect for onlookers but are obvious to the victim.
12. Manipulates others through intimidation in order to get their own needs and desires met.
13. Twists conversations and elevates voice to intimidate and control others in the conversation and to elevate self.
14. Pathological lying, often by omission and are secretive.
15. Must control situations, conversations and others in their path.
16. Has only superficial values, situational ethics and is enraged when confronted to change.
17. Uses superficial and phony caring and understanding to control others.
18. Sets people up to fail, by negating everything they do.
19. Jumps to conclusions about matters refusing to discuss them.
20. Laughs at the pratfalls of others, but has no sense of humor otherwise.
21. The only real emotion he/she is likely to display is anger, relatively emotionless.
22. Never expresses sorrow or shame for anything they do.
23. Controls money, and makes decisions apart from their spouse.
24. Buys big items for themselves, but rages when others buy little things.
25. Controls the comings and goings of spouse, forbids travel without permission.
26. Contradictory, makes no sense when in an argument because winning is more important than truth.
27. Does not discuss openly his hidden agenda.
28. Has no personality, because hiding causes us to be so outwardly controlled that every part of us is hidden. This person is burdened continually with never being discovered.
29. Kind only if this person is getting what they want.
30. Does not forgive others, and even uses vengeful acts to dig at their target. Some of these acts are very subtle.
31. If trapped in a conversation, this person will talk so fast and so long that no one else can be a part of the conversation.
32. Shows little interest in what the other person is saying, is always in defense stance to win. Interrupts a lot and is angry if someone else does to be a part of the conversation.
33. Enjoys annoying others.
34. Ignoring special days and expected kindnesses as a subtle way of revenge for perceived wrongs done to them, will not talk about it, nor listen if confronted.
35. Hatred toward the target is continual but subtle, to unnerve the victim. If the victim is strong enough and educated enough to ignore the attacks, then the narcissist retreats and isolates himself and his family from the target.
36. Begins projects and often does not finish them, mostly to irritate those who would like them finished, or out of lack of concern for others.
37. Has no compassion for those who are ill.
38. Seldom expresses appreciation for others or encouragement for their efforts, but expects it for himself.
We have all known people like this, often they tend to be runners, because they burn out their victims, when the victims catch on and take control of their own lives, then the narcissist runs.
I have been meeting more and more of these kind of people, many more in the 40 something crowd, than in the "great generation" of World War II.
I am convinced that this condition was precipitated by the teaching of self esteem and by divorce and remarriage, often the people suffering from this had no fathers in the home and they have had little instruction or discipline as children. They were left to themselves, so that the only person they were responsible for was themselves.
This is also the reason they are not teachable and are such a frustration to those who have to live with them.
How do we deal with these people? We do not allow them to control us by their tactics simply by ignoring them. When they have a tantrum, we simply do not respond to the silliness and continue to tell the truth. Never get angry with a narcissist, this only fuels them, making them believe they have won.
If someone like this continually acts out, and they are not a spouse, then we must get away from them. If this person is a spouse, then the best thing to do is stay in constant prayer.
One of the tactics of these people is to attempt to make their victim feel guilty continually. If they can keep their victim in a state of sadness or feeling guilty then their tactics work and they will keep doing it.
In prayer evaluate your own actions, if there is no reason to be guilty then dismiss it as false guilt. Soon you will be able to identify easily the manipulation and tactics of the narcissist and they will modify their behavior if they see it is not working. Their biggest weapon, is keeping their victim continually frustrated, angry, depressed and feeling helpless.
Do not be helpless, you have the Lord, and if you are not guilty of anything and know it, then the narcissist has no power over you.
Be honest, if you are guilty confess it to the narcissist and do not allow him to continually use your confessed sin to control you. Simply state calmly that he said he forgave you and you know God has too and with a smile on your face, get on with your life.
Manipulators and narcissists count on your mental condition to be in a miserable state, when they see they cannot control you this way, they will quit or leave.
I write about this because narcissism is increasing and to be educated on the subject, will empower those who have to endure the foolishness of a narcissist.
Married people do not have to divorce over this, they can become strong and even have a peaceful marriage even if the narcissist never changes. God is in control of our hearts, and what goes on in our hearts is more important than what anyone will do to us.
Psalm 46:1 "To the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A Song for Alamoth. God [is] our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."
Stay close to God, a narcissist can cripple us in our walk and even ruin our witness by their attitudes and actions. We must not allow evil men to control our walk with the Lord.
John 3:19 ""And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Romans 12:17 "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men."
Be strong and bold, but never violate God's Word in the doing.
Titus 3:2 "to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men."
Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile [you], and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake."
Romans 8:39 "nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
God did give us permission in 2 Timothy 3, to keep these people out of our lives unless they are family members living in the same household, then we will need more prayer and strength from the Holy Spirit.
Pray for them!!!!
2 Timothy 3:2-5 says;
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3:3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,
3:4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!"
What are the characteristics of people described in the 2 Timothy passage? In our modern day these people are referred to as "Narcissists."
Narcissists are people who have little concern if any for anyone but themselves.
1. Selfishness, without regard to the needs or desires of others. All their decisions are made on the basis of their own whims.
2. No remorse for abuse, outbursts or mistakes or misdeeds. Ever.
3. Unreliable, undependable, does not finish projects for others and often proud of it as though it is a manipulative tactic to control the victim.
4. Cares not about the consequences, but when challenged about their attitude they become angry.
5. Projects their faults on others, attempting to make their own bad behavior or mistakes someone else's fault.
6. Little if any conscience for harming or inconveniencing others.
7. Insensitive to the needs of others especially those who are closest to them. Make snap decisions that they demand be carried out immediately.
8. Vengeful when confronted with their sinful behavior.
9. Isolates his victims, who depend on him, from others, to be able to control them.
10. Easily angered and tendency to rage when someone disagrees with them or exposes them.
11. Humiliates those he hates in public and in subtle ways that are hard to detect for onlookers but are obvious to the victim.
12. Manipulates others through intimidation in order to get their own needs and desires met.
13. Twists conversations and elevates voice to intimidate and control others in the conversation and to elevate self.
14. Pathological lying, often by omission and are secretive.
15. Must control situations, conversations and others in their path.
16. Has only superficial values, situational ethics and is enraged when confronted to change.
17. Uses superficial and phony caring and understanding to control others.
18. Sets people up to fail, by negating everything they do.
19. Jumps to conclusions about matters refusing to discuss them.
20. Laughs at the pratfalls of others, but has no sense of humor otherwise.
21. The only real emotion he/she is likely to display is anger, relatively emotionless.
22. Never expresses sorrow or shame for anything they do.
23. Controls money, and makes decisions apart from their spouse.
24. Buys big items for themselves, but rages when others buy little things.
25. Controls the comings and goings of spouse, forbids travel without permission.
26. Contradictory, makes no sense when in an argument because winning is more important than truth.
27. Does not discuss openly his hidden agenda.
28. Has no personality, because hiding causes us to be so outwardly controlled that every part of us is hidden. This person is burdened continually with never being discovered.
29. Kind only if this person is getting what they want.
30. Does not forgive others, and even uses vengeful acts to dig at their target. Some of these acts are very subtle.
31. If trapped in a conversation, this person will talk so fast and so long that no one else can be a part of the conversation.
32. Shows little interest in what the other person is saying, is always in defense stance to win. Interrupts a lot and is angry if someone else does to be a part of the conversation.
33. Enjoys annoying others.
34. Ignoring special days and expected kindnesses as a subtle way of revenge for perceived wrongs done to them, will not talk about it, nor listen if confronted.
35. Hatred toward the target is continual but subtle, to unnerve the victim. If the victim is strong enough and educated enough to ignore the attacks, then the narcissist retreats and isolates himself and his family from the target.
36. Begins projects and often does not finish them, mostly to irritate those who would like them finished, or out of lack of concern for others.
37. Has no compassion for those who are ill.
38. Seldom expresses appreciation for others or encouragement for their efforts, but expects it for himself.
We have all known people like this, often they tend to be runners, because they burn out their victims, when the victims catch on and take control of their own lives, then the narcissist runs.
I have been meeting more and more of these kind of people, many more in the 40 something crowd, than in the "great generation" of World War II.
I am convinced that this condition was precipitated by the teaching of self esteem and by divorce and remarriage, often the people suffering from this had no fathers in the home and they have had little instruction or discipline as children. They were left to themselves, so that the only person they were responsible for was themselves.
This is also the reason they are not teachable and are such a frustration to those who have to live with them.
How do we deal with these people? We do not allow them to control us by their tactics simply by ignoring them. When they have a tantrum, we simply do not respond to the silliness and continue to tell the truth. Never get angry with a narcissist, this only fuels them, making them believe they have won.
If someone like this continually acts out, and they are not a spouse, then we must get away from them. If this person is a spouse, then the best thing to do is stay in constant prayer.
One of the tactics of these people is to attempt to make their victim feel guilty continually. If they can keep their victim in a state of sadness or feeling guilty then their tactics work and they will keep doing it.
In prayer evaluate your own actions, if there is no reason to be guilty then dismiss it as false guilt. Soon you will be able to identify easily the manipulation and tactics of the narcissist and they will modify their behavior if they see it is not working. Their biggest weapon, is keeping their victim continually frustrated, angry, depressed and feeling helpless.
Do not be helpless, you have the Lord, and if you are not guilty of anything and know it, then the narcissist has no power over you.
Be honest, if you are guilty confess it to the narcissist and do not allow him to continually use your confessed sin to control you. Simply state calmly that he said he forgave you and you know God has too and with a smile on your face, get on with your life.
Manipulators and narcissists count on your mental condition to be in a miserable state, when they see they cannot control you this way, they will quit or leave.
I write about this because narcissism is increasing and to be educated on the subject, will empower those who have to endure the foolishness of a narcissist.
Married people do not have to divorce over this, they can become strong and even have a peaceful marriage even if the narcissist never changes. God is in control of our hearts, and what goes on in our hearts is more important than what anyone will do to us.
Psalm 46:1 "To the Chief Musician. [A Psalm] of the sons of Korah. A Song for Alamoth. God [is] our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."
Stay close to God, a narcissist can cripple us in our walk and even ruin our witness by their attitudes and actions. We must not allow evil men to control our walk with the Lord.
John 3:19 ""And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Romans 12:17 "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men."
Be strong and bold, but never violate God's Word in the doing.
Titus 3:2 "to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men."
Luke 6:22 "Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile [you], and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake."
Romans 8:39 "nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
God did give us permission in 2 Timothy 3, to keep these people out of our lives unless they are family members living in the same household, then we will need more prayer and strength from the Holy Spirit.
Pray for them!!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Homemaker God Meant Us To Be
"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies."
"The heart of her husband safely trusts her, so he will have no lack of gain."
"She does him good and not evil all the days of her life."
"She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands."
She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar.
"She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her maid servants."
"She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard."
"She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms."
"She perceives that her merchandise is good and her lamp does not go out by night."
"She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle."
"She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands "to the needy.
"She is not afraid of snow for her househould; For all her household "is clothed with scarlet."
"She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is find linen and purple."
"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land."
Proverbs 31:10-23
This woman is one who works hard in her home and in volunteer activities in the community. Her husband benefits from her activities, gaining respect because of his wife. A woman can make or break a husband by her attentiveness or lack of it.
All her decisions must take into account the effects of them on her husband.
The wife is the keeper of the home and the protector of the activities there. If her husband is unaware of danger in some way then the wife has a responsibility to warn him and appeal to him to help protect the spirituality of that home.
When there is danger of something or someone interfering with the relationships either with the children or the marriage, then the woman is responsible to protect those relationship.
"Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come, she opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness."
"She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own work praise her in the gates." Proverbs 31
Next time someone tells you that her job as a homemaker is worth little or nothing, remind them that the homemaker is a manager of her home, she works under no one, but considers the desire of her husband as her head.
She can be as creative as she pleases while seeing to the needs of her household. There is more freedom in the skill of homemaking than there is in a career outside the home.
There is a false doctrine that has infected some of Christendom, and that is that a woman cannot make a move without her husband's permission. This is not at all what the Bible teaches. God has given the job of homemaking to the wife, the mandate comes from Him, not the husband. The wife is to choose to obey God. The husband has no mandate to force his wife or to dictate to her how she does her job in the home. The wife loves to please her husband and desires to help him become respected in the city gates, so if she obeys God her husband will be greatly blessed, his career will be enhanced, because he will have no worries about the jobs at home being completed. If a man oppresses a woman in her job of homemaking then she will not be as creative, she will be stagnated and even regress in her growth. When a man treats a woman like a child, she begins to act like one. The greatest lesson about the Christian life, is that God never forces anyone into anything, but encourages them and loves them.
Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her," A man is not a dictator but a servant, "he leads by the way that he serves." We are all to be servants to one another and submissive one to another. Colossians 3:19 "Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them." 1 Peter 5:5 "Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to [your] elders. Yes, all of [you] be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." Remember that our husbands are also our brothers if they are saved, and the wives are also their husband's sisters. We are to operate toward them the way we would toward any brother or sister in the Lord. With compassion, empathy, correction and humility.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Where Did The Love Go!
Narcissism is an epidemic these days fascilitated by the "Self Esteem" teaching. Many years ago I remember "Christians" who argued with me, believing that self esteem was a necessary element to a stable child, so they liberally administered their doses of this poison to their children.
Unfortunately those who did not believe in self esteem were at the mercy of the entire culture, extended family, schools and even churches who practiced this evil and ruined many children of Christian parents.
Does anyone else see the devastation from this teaching? There has been an explosion of selfishness and lack of empathy from so many in our children's generation. Loving hospitality is nearly non-existent everywhere we go. I am reminded of the scripture that describes these very days.
2 Timothy 3:1-6
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.
"For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, "proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, "unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, brutal "despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure "rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying "its power. And from such people turn away!"
It is worth noting that in the passage in 2 Timothy we see that these self esteemites will have a form of religion, but it is not the faith of the Bible, they may say it is, but their brand of religion is based solely on self exhaultation.
Self esteem has caused the next generation to be unteachable and arrogant. They depend on their knowledge and fleshly works to approve them.
One of the elements of narcissism is lack of empathy, lack of sense of humor, unless someone is harmed in some way and then there is laughter over the pratfalls of others.
Another element of narcissism is the inability to encourage others in their walk, mainly because there is a sense of needing to be superior to others. To encourage others, is a subordinate position and is unthinkable for the narcissist.
God commanded us many times in the Word to place ourselves last, deferring to others, considering others with a deep concern for their welfare.
Proverbs 15:17 "Better [is] a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a fatted calf with hatred."
Proverbs 27:5 "Open rebuke [is] better Than love carefully concealed."
1 Corinthians 13:5 "does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;"
Psalms 10:4 "The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek [God]; God [is] in none of his thoughts."
When we encounter a person who claims to be saved but is ashamed at the mention of the name of Christ alone or in a crowd, then we know there are problems, and perhaps we should begin praying for their salvation.
When Christ saves us He places in us His principles and when those principles are absent then there may not be salvation.
Proverbs 15:9 "The way of the wicked [is] an abomination to the LORD, But He loves him who follows righteousness."
We can hide to some degree from one another, for a time, then the clues will give us away, but we cannot hide from the Lord, He sees all and judges all.
Unfortunately those who did not believe in self esteem were at the mercy of the entire culture, extended family, schools and even churches who practiced this evil and ruined many children of Christian parents.
Does anyone else see the devastation from this teaching? There has been an explosion of selfishness and lack of empathy from so many in our children's generation. Loving hospitality is nearly non-existent everywhere we go. I am reminded of the scripture that describes these very days.
2 Timothy 3:1-6
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.
"For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, "proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, "unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, brutal "despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure "rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying "its power. And from such people turn away!"
It is worth noting that in the passage in 2 Timothy we see that these self esteemites will have a form of religion, but it is not the faith of the Bible, they may say it is, but their brand of religion is based solely on self exhaultation.
Self esteem has caused the next generation to be unteachable and arrogant. They depend on their knowledge and fleshly works to approve them.
One of the elements of narcissism is lack of empathy, lack of sense of humor, unless someone is harmed in some way and then there is laughter over the pratfalls of others.
Another element of narcissism is the inability to encourage others in their walk, mainly because there is a sense of needing to be superior to others. To encourage others, is a subordinate position and is unthinkable for the narcissist.
God commanded us many times in the Word to place ourselves last, deferring to others, considering others with a deep concern for their welfare.
Proverbs 15:17 "Better [is] a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a fatted calf with hatred."
Proverbs 27:5 "Open rebuke [is] better Than love carefully concealed."
1 Corinthians 13:5 "does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;"
Psalms 10:4 "The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek [God]; God [is] in none of his thoughts."
When we encounter a person who claims to be saved but is ashamed at the mention of the name of Christ alone or in a crowd, then we know there are problems, and perhaps we should begin praying for their salvation.
When Christ saves us He places in us His principles and when those principles are absent then there may not be salvation.
Proverbs 15:9 "The way of the wicked [is] an abomination to the LORD, But He loves him who follows righteousness."
We can hide to some degree from one another, for a time, then the clues will give us away, but we cannot hide from the Lord, He sees all and judges all.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Respect and Honor
Very often we think we are respecting a persons’ position, simply by withholding our anger at them when we disagree. Respect of ones position of authority is much more than just withholding our guile toward them. It is demonstrated in the way we address them, and can be seen in our attitude of inattentiveness to their conversation.
One way of showing disrespect is "dismissivness" or "non-responsiveness." These two attitudes show us that there is disrespect coming from a person even though they may think they are hiding their hostile feelings from us.
When we speak, they ignore what we say, and respond enthusiastically to others in the room to show their preference for the others, but disdain for us. This is much more common than we realize, and at times the perpetrator doesn't know they are doing it. They are so wrapped up in themselves that what is inside comes out even without their awareness.
Another sign that we have encountered competition and hostility, is the manner in which someone may choose to address us. If we are being addressed by our first name by someone who normally would be expected to call us Mr. or Mrs. Or even Dad or Mom, we know we are encountering rebellion against perceived authority or position.
We live in a culture that has denigrated authority, has disregard for positions of prominence, as though there is an evil attached to any form of hierarchy. Many of these same people who will not subordinate themselves to an older persons’ position, will demand respect for their authority when they feel it is warranted.
Can we spell…”Narcissism” here?
Our culture is becoming more and more inconsistent in our demands. We say “follow my authority” but we do not want to follow anyone else’s authority. This is the same double standard that we saw in the days when we heard quotes like this, “don’t do what I do, do what I say.” What an immensely frustrating statement to those who desire to be respected, but are treated as insignificant and unworthy of fair treatment.
When we cannot humble ourselves before others, we cannot have a close walk with the Lord. God says in James 4:6 “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."
The Lord does not bless those who will not obey Him and He will not bless those who will not submit to others. When we feel the Lord is not hearing us, we may be right. It is best to ask the Lord to show us, as David prayed in Psalm 139:24 "And see if [there is any] wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."
Monday, July 30, 2012
Christian Nation? What!!!!
Christian nation? What!!!! When we could not force the people to comply with prohibition we legalized alcohol so that people could no longer be criminals while they were partaking.
When we, as a nation, could no longer control the slave trade, because of the rebellion of our people, we legalized the buying and selling of slaves, so the criminals would partake without being illegal.
When we could no longer control the illegal gambling because the hearts of the people were rebellious, we legalized gambling so the criminals would be able to partake openly.
When we could no longer control "back alley" abortions, the killing of innocent babies, we legalized abortion so that the criminal doctors and the rebellious women could keep doing their evil legally.
When we could no longer control Marijuana in our country, we legalized it so the criminals could do it in the open without stigma attached to it.
When we could no longer control prostitution in our communities we ignored it and even legalized it in designated places.
When we could no longer control Muslims from taking over we allowed their Sharia law.
When we could no longer control the behavior of immoral people we turned our heads when couples lived together in sin without marriage and are even in the process of legalizing homosexual marriage to accommodate the wicked.
What has happened in all this legalization of sin? Whenever a sin was legalized, the practice of it exploded exponentially. How could these sins increase to such a degree if most people in the nation were couldn't.
We have been pretending to be a "Christian" nation for 250 years. Pretending...the actual practice of obedience to our Lord has not been there. If we were a Christian nation, none of these evils would have taken root in the beginning, they would have been quenched before they had a chance to make a foot hold.
We have made the mistake in believing that we are Christians by virtue of our words alone. Lifestyle didn't matter much as long as we said we were Christians. My contention is that our nation has been full of those carrying the title of "Christian" who were never born again and never loved Christ. The true believers have always been a small remnant as in the entire world.
We put on a good show of "Christianity" at our ball games by the opening prayer, while winning was everything to us.
We put on a good show of "Christianity" at the mention of God once during our "beauty pageants” while parading shapely women in bathing suits based on their talents and their seductive charm.
We put on a good show of Christianity at the school Christmas plays with the manger scenes, after which Santa came out and gave out candy to the audience.
We put on a good show of Christianity with a cross on stage at our churches, after which we had an "Easter" egg hunt on the church grounds.
We put on a good show of Christianity claiming to hate Halloween, while dressing our children up in "fun" costumes rather than evil ones as they went door to door to beg candy on this pagan holiday. Then of course that show at church that hold "harvest parties" to make us feel like we are ignoring the holiday without really doing so.
Christian Nation......I don't think so! We just think we were or are what we want to believe to make ourselves feel better about doing all the things that dishonor God.
Perhaps we should spend less time defending our selves as a "Christian" nation and spend more time on our knees praying for repentance for our families, friends and neighbors.
If Satan can keep us prideful and in a state of defensiveness, we will never repent in sack cloth and ashes, we will just keep defending ourselves and ignoring sin as we have always done.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Families Have Been Assaulted
In a conversation recently with a young woman we discussed the current state of our culture in reference to young people who are living together without the benefit of marriage. Even those who attend church are participating in this sin and their friends and family who would not do it themselves are approving of it.
Ephesians 5:3 "But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints;"
Colossians 3:5 "Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
Revelation 17:2 ""with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."
We, as a culture have "become drunk with the wine of fornication." Those who do not do these things, but accept them, participate in the sin of others who live this way.
Now that we have seen the Word of God on this subject, perhaps we should look at the practical, human side of indulging in this sin. There is a reason God said not to do it. He built into our being to be committed to one another, becoming one flesh for life.
When we violate this principle we bring damage and brokenness to the family. Children are insecure and angry in these relationships, they never know when an authority figure will abandon them, or if they are even loved. Children need two parents who belong to them, fully.
Ephesians 6:4 "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord."
It has been said that if two people live together they will find out if they are compatible for marriage and avoid a divorce if they get married. According to the statistics the divorce rate among those who have lived together first, is higher than those who did not live together before marriage.
There is a very good reason why divorce would be higher for those who have lived together first, it is very simple; the attitude makes or breaks a relationship. If we go into a marriage with the attitude that we can just dissolve the relationship if it doesn't make us happy, we display a lack of love and deep concern for the other person. The objective becomes, "what will I get out of this" rather than "how can I be an asset to the other person. In short....selfishness!
When two people go into marriage expecting to work hard to be what they should be and resolving to make the marriage work no matter what, these are the people who can make it in marriage. They go into the relationship determined to love the other person and meet their needs rather than just grabbing for themselves.
I wish that young people will see what "living together" really is and that is an attitude that "if I get tired of you, you mean so little to me that I want the option to dump you."
We had a saying when I was young, "if a man asks you to sleep with him before marriage, he doesn't love you." Men will say to young girls "if you love me you will let me." The answer ladies to these men should be, "you are not the man for me, if you would ask me to violate my own conscience and give to you something as precious as virginity, then you don't love me, hit the road Jack."
God shows us what love is in His very dying on the cross. He gave of Himself for others before we loved Him, while we were yet sinners. He is our example for marriage.
This constant hopping in and out of relationships in dating and divorce and remarriage destroys children and the culture, we are well on the road to poverty as a nation because we have broken the strongest threads of a culture, the marriage and family.
May we repent as a nation and may the apostate church repent from accepting this base standard for our young people.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Lie Detecting
In the last several years, I seem to have developed the ability to discern when someone was lying to me or showing contempt--or both. I thought that the Lord had given me Holy Ghost discernment and had prayed to understand what I was seeing and processing the expressions and gestures of others.
While in prayer over the past few months, the Lord placed it into my mind the matter of Narcissism and manipulation, so I went to the computer and typed in those words to see what articles might emerge to give me more insight into what I was seeing in the actions and attitudes I was encountering.
Much information was given me that was very helpful on these subjects and led me to an even deeper desire to understand the human condition. The Lord led me to other materials that enlightened me even more.
All my discoveries based on the studies of others revealed that it is basic human nature to lie on a regular basis and every single human being on planet earth does it regularly. I knew that man is depraved and incapable of righteousness without Christ, but these studies drove home the matter to such a degree that it solidified my Biblical belief that without Christ no man can stop himself from lying nor can any man make himself anything close to acceptable to God by his shear exertion.
Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; who can know it.”
Romans 3:10 “As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one;”
I remember disciplining my children as teenagers for rolling their eyes at me. I perceived this as an act of disrespect that I could not allow to pass without consequences. I held to this position until now without realizing what I was looking at, even then the Lord was revealing to me what was inside the child of the rolling eyes.
In the book “Liespotting” by Pamela Meyer, I began to realize what the rolling eyes really meant and why they were so disturbing to me at the time. Here is what Miss Meyer said in her book:
“Many facial expressions are fairly easy to recognize and interpret, but there is one you want to watch for in particular because it is especially loaded with meaning. This is the expression of contempt (emphasis mine).
“As we’ve discussed, contempt is the only asymmetrical expression; the other six all appear “bilaterally,” or equally on both halves of the face. A contemptuous expression may mean that a companion feels morally superior to you or that she believes you’re degrading yourself in some way.
“The renowned psychologist John M. Gottman has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to predict, with 90 percent accuracy, which newly weds will stay married and which will divorce. Oneo F. Gottman’s tenet is that couples who express anger toward each other aren’t necessarily at risk of splitting up….but those who express contempt are definitely in the danger zone. The mere action of rolling one’s eyes at a partner is a dismayingly accurate predictor of marital problems. When we feel contemptuous of someone, we’ve decided we’re morally superior. On some level, we have dismissed them. Contempt can be deadly to personal relationships, and it’s deadly in business relationships as well.
“If a conflict arises at work, and you spot contempt on your opponent’s face…a wrinkle in the nose, eye rolling, or a raised nostril combined with a curled upper lip… you’re on dangerous ground. And if you express contempt for those around you, they’ll sense it. Contempt poisons relationships.”
Miss Meyer has managed to hit the nail on the head. So often we think we are hiding our contempt for someone because we don’t say words that convey this attitude, but our facial muscles and eye movements betray us.
I have recently declared to others that I no longer believe the words of those around me. I watch their lives, actions and expressions to determine what is real. Miss Meyer explains in her book that we tell 200 lies in a day on average, from little exaggerations to monster relationship breaking lies. None the less, our human nature carries these deceptions within the very depth of our souls, without our even realizing it.
It is only through Christ living in us that we can escape the ugly creature that dwells within us, the lying despot that we are, continually deceiving others for our own gain.
Sadly, I have been able to detect lies that show contempt for me and for what I believe, no matter what plastic smile occurs on the face of the liar. I have actually been told “we love you,” only to retort that “I do not believe you.” Actions really do speak louder than words and so do facial expressions and head and eye movements.
I have come to the conclusion that speech is a very small part of communication; our bodies give us away often. When we sense that someone is not telling the truth, they probably aren’t.
All smiles are not genuine. We can see that, but we are reluctant to read it for what it is, because we have been trained by our culture to accept words over every other indicator of the truth.
Christ Jesus calls Himself the Word in the gospel of John chapter 1. All other human words are tainted with the stain of sin and cannot be believed unless backed up with a righteous life.
In the book “Liespotting” it is clear that the author believes in evolution, and for this I am in disagreement; however, the science of spotting lying by facial muscles, eye movements and other gestures, is quite accurate in its information.
We as human beings think we are fooling one another as long as we don’t get caught, and sometimes we are. However, those who are gifted in detection of lies or are trained in it, know what we are doing, we cannot hide from those people and we definitely cannot hide from God.
If we repent from lying, seek God for truth and obey Him when He speaks, we can overcome this devilish fallen state that holds us captive, but only through Christ can we do it and only if we are submitted daily to Him.
“No thought can be withholden from Thee.”
Psalm 44:21
“For He knoweth the secrets of the heart.”
Proverbs 15:3
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place.”
Jeremiah 16:17
“For Mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from My face, neither is their iniquity hid from ine eyes.”
Jeremiah 23:24
“Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?” saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth?”
“For He knoweth the secrets of the heart.”
Proverbs 15:3
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place.”
Jeremiah 16:17
“For Mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from My face, neither is their iniquity hid from ine eyes.”
Jeremiah 23:24
“Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?” saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth?”
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
God's Way or Man's Way?
We are to defend the weak and helpless and threatened. If we do not defend these people we will be held accountable before God for our protection of the evil person. Our culture is backward in this now. As a culture we protect the evil person over the well being of the victims, it is absolutely ludicrous.
This thinking reminds me of the story of the two psychiatrists walking down the road and encountering a broken and bleeding man lying in a ditch. The two psychiatrists look upon the man with horror and proclaim to one another....this is just terrible.....than man who did this needs our help.
This thinking is wicked and selfish, perhaps we don't want to punish the wicked because we may do evil some day and we don't want to be punished......just thinking.
Killing is not always murder, sometimes it is justice and other times it is self defense.
When God said "thou shalt not kill, He was referring to innocent human life, as in the case of abortion or innocent people who have not been accused of crimes. However in the case of the guilty, we are to defer to state authorities in this matter according to Romans 13:1-5. There were many examples in Scripture pertaining to the Mosaic Law demanding killing for crimes. Christ did not change this when He came, Romans demonstrates this.
Our attitude about killing murderers is adhered to a lesser degree in the more subtle sins among believers. We tend to protect and defend the believer’s right to their sin by minimizing its offense against a holy God.
We operate the way of the psychiatrists when we chastise a believer who is chastising another believer. It is not the sinful person who is rebuked, but the righteous for rebuking the one who commits sin.
1 Timothy 5:20 “Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest may fear."
Titus 1:13 "This testimony is true. There fore rebuke them SHARPLY, that they may be sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth."
Rebuke and correction is not just for the individual, but also for others to see the impact of evil and it's seriousness in the heart of a person.
We are told we should not tell someone they are wrong, while we are being told we are wrong for telling someone they are wrong. Does anyone notice the hypocrisy here?
I am reminded of the scripture that says of the last will think in reverse and oppressive terms. The men of today exchange the truth of God for the lie and because they have no compassion for the victim or the righteous, they ultimately persecute them by defending the perpetrators of evil.
Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
I have to wonder if people of these last days identify with the evil doer to such a degree that even though they would not do the crime themselves, they know they are guilty in their own hearts and do not want to be judged for their own wickedness, so they protect and defend the evil doer.
How many of you dear believers have experience the harshness of those who do not like your stand for God's righteousness? My guess is that some of you who stand boldly for the principles of Christ....encounter and endure this regularly.
Thankfully God said "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22 We will endure to the end, God said in Ephesians 1:13-14 “"In Him you also [trusted], after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."
We will endure, it was God's promise to us, and those who mistreat us because of our stand for Christ will be dealt with by God, we can trust Him to take care of that too.
Our mandate from the Lord is to keep speaking truth in the love of Christ, resolving to do what is best for them, no matter their reaction to us. That is the love of Christ, that we love God first and our neighbor second. The two greatest commandments, and that we love them God's way, not man's way. When we trust the Holy Spirit to do this in us, then we do not have to worry that it will be done right.
Our job is to fill our hearts and minds with the Word, and when it is needed, the Holy Spirit will bring it forth, His timing, His Way.
Luke 12:11 “And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:"
God really can do it and better than we think we can. Trust Him, for each moment, each day and praise Him for all that you will see. Often, what He does will look very different than what we would have thought.
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