Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trust not the Narcissist

Even though I am not in agreement with psychological teaching on anything, in terms of what causes things and what the solutions may be, I recognize that often the psychological profession does understand the tactics of evil people as described in 2 Timothy 3.

It is sad when the secular psychological entities can see these things but many if not most in the church do not recognize them. Most people in the church, even in leadership, have deeply narcissistic traits, able to manipulate people in many ways to believe false doctrine and give massive amounts of their money to these scam artists under the guise of "Christian leadership."

Some of the most legalistic groups are controlled by their leaders without questioning them. Anyone who will not question their leadership, using the Bible as their benchmark for truth, are being controlled and manipulated by the leaders rather than directed by God. The leaders have become the "gods" in the lives of these non-thinking people who prefer to be controlled rather than having to think for themselves. When a leader demands unquestioning authority over us, they are sinning and should either be rebuked or removed. If they will not listen, as narcissists who fight back instead of being humbled, then we must get away from them.

Leadership is not about controlling anyone. Leadership is service to others with the purpose of teaching truth from the Word. Any leaders who is worth anything will welcome questions, have answers and if they don't have an answer they will go to prayer and the Word to find the answer. A leader who arrogantly intimidates or fights back to maintain his elevated position is sinning and will not submit to anyone else.

The Bible teaches that all members of a body are to submit one to another, if a leader will not do this, if he will not be corrected then he is not leadership material.

Those who refuse to think for themselves in the congregation, will be led around like a bull with a ring in it's nose, because they fear rejection by those who would intimidate them. God's Word becomes less important than being accepted by others in the gathering.

If we are not willing to be rejected by all for Christ's sake and His principles, then we are not dedicated enough to Him, our gods are people and our aim is self acceptance.

We must become strong in the Holy Spirit, deciding to follow Christ, even if it means being rejected by everyone in our church gathering. When our church gathering and it's leaders become the authority over God's Word, then it is time to get out of there and begin again to trust Christ.

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