Sunday, August 5, 2018

Brain Washing in the Church

Brain washing is a monstrous part of our culture. The pressure placed on Christians to follow the ways of men rather than the ways of God is constant.

1 Corinthians 15:33 "” 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

When we hang around ungodly people we tend to begin to believe their lies and their manipulations. It is best to surround ourselves with those who love the Lord, who do not play silly petty games to gain control over you.

Please remember, many people sit under these manipulative and controlling people every week in church gatherings. The attendees place more trust in and elevate the "pastor" more than Christ.

There is no position of "pastor" as one who dominates and dictates over the brethren. God assigned pastors to be subject to Him and to those in the body. They lead by their example and by their love, not domination to control. There should never be only one man as a pastor, there should be several in a gathering.

The elders who have the gift of pastoring should be humble and subject to those in the congregation, able to be taught himself as well as teaching others. Every believer has a role to play, every believer is subject to every other believer, no one is better or controller of anyone else.

This is Biblical eldership, if you have questions about it go to God asking Him while reading the Bible to see the order of things in the gathering of believers. Far too many believers are being led astray with bad doctrine because of those who believe they should have power over others. When the elders are wrong, then they need to be corrected like anyone else.

Follow the Link to learn about the tactics of selfish people:

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