On another post this poster was called "hate", clearly the person who said this does not understand what God's love looks like. Here was my response to that accusation.
"It is never hate to warn people they are living in sin. It is love to warn from God's Word. God says that homosexuality is an abomination worthy of hell. The good news is that God can save them from hell if they repent (change their mind about sin) and ask God to change them into a new creation. When God does that we no longer desire the sin we used to love.
More good news is that the one who turns from homosexuality to embrace the love of Christ they will be guaranteed of heaven by trusting in Christ.
Christ paid the penalty for all sin, all we have to do is admit that we are sinners and confess that Christ paid for it. He then will come into us, change us and keep us safe from sin until He takes us out of this world.
To call out sin is love! To remain silent about sin just to be liked by others is a form of indifference to their lost condition.
Indifference is a form of hate. When all we care about is being liked by others, when their lost condition doesn't matter to us, then we are indulging in narcissism, a self love that cares nothing about others and everything about ourselves. "

"It is never hate to warn people they are living in sin. It is love to warn from God's Word. God says that homosexuality is an abomination worthy of hell. The good news is that God can save them from hell if they repent (change their mind about sin) and ask God to change them into a new creation. When God does that we no longer desire the sin we used to love.
More good news is that the one who turns from homosexuality to embrace the love of Christ they will be guaranteed of heaven by trusting in Christ.
Christ paid the penalty for all sin, all we have to do is admit that we are sinners and confess that Christ paid for it. He then will come into us, change us and keep us safe from sin until He takes us out of this world.
To call out sin is love! To remain silent about sin just to be liked by others is a form of indifference to their lost condition.
Indifference is a form of hate. When all we care about is being liked by others, when their lost condition doesn't matter to us, then we are indulging in narcissism, a self love that cares nothing about others and everything about ourselves. "

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