Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Legalists Are At It Again

I grow weary of the legalists who claim to step in and save people who are being attacked is not trusting God.

It is quite possible that stepping in to help the victim is not only the will of God but empowered by Him.

Isaiah 1:17
"Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause."

This verse in Isaiah is a command from God that we should step up when someone is being attacked or oppressed.

Those who would stand by and watch someone being beaten and do nothing to stop it are using piety as an excuse to protect themselves. It is even more wicked to stand by and watch a loved one being murdered and raped while doing nothing at all to help. I know if I were the victim I would feel unloved by anyone watching who would do nothing to help.

David was empowered by God to throw that stone at Goliath.

Psalm 72:4
"May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!"

Would those who claim to be completely non-violent, depending on the Lord also sit at the dinner table and expect the Lord to bring their hand to the mouth to eat?

Would these same people not try to save themselves if they fell in the lake and were drowning, would they just sink to the bottom without trying at all to save themselves claiming they are waiting on the Lord to do it for them.

God has given us jobs and good deeds to do, we do not sit on our couches and say; "I will let the Lord mow the lawn, after all if I mow it then I am not trusting God to do it for me." I don't think so, they would do the work God has given them to do.

Perhaps the excuse of "non-violence" at all costs, even the cost of another man's life, is merely to protect themselves. I would hope I would be willing to die for someone else. That if I had to die saving someone else, there would be no better way to go out of here. I call that noble, I do not call that defying God's will.

Forgive me if I have no patience with those who use non-violence as an excuse to protect self over helping someone else.

John 15:13
"13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

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