Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Little Leaven!

Amen! This doesn't have to be the "biggies", the sins that everyone can say are sins, it can be and often is just an attitude of arrogance and the need to feel superior to others. All sin, even the smallest sends people to hell if they have not trusted in Christ or if they have falsely claimed to trust in Christ.

The Apostle Paul asked the Corinthians a probing question in 1 Corinthians 5:6, 'Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?' He did so because they apparently had abandoned this fundamental kingdom principle. Leaven, according to Scripture, is defined as three different, but specific things, namely: false doctrine (Matt 16:11-12) hypocrisy (Lk 12:1) and sin (1 Cor 5:1-8; 6:1). This means that any Scripturally unchallenged, unconfessed, and unforsaken false doctrine, hypocrisy, or sin will destroy the spiritual entity where it's tolerated. There is no other way to negate the destructive influence of leaven, even a little leaven, by any other means than to PURGE IT (1 Cor 5:7). The Apostle also chastised the Corinthians in the same chapter, pointing out their refusal to confront fornication (leaven) in their midst was an indication they were both puffed up (v. 2, meaning PROUD) and glorying (v. 6a, meaning OVER-CONFIDENT). Let me reiterate, any individual, any marriage, family, or church that tolerates the slightest false doctrine, hypocrisy, or sin WILL BE DESTROYED by the very compromise it overlooks--no exceptions. No matter how spiritually strong; no matter how holy and consecrated every one else is, the little leaven (not a lot, not an overwhelming balance, just a 'little') will influence the whole and not the other way around. Take heed, tolerating sin is not merciful, kind, or loving. It's disobedience to God, PRIDE and OVER-CONFIDENCE.
Judging by the common moral/spiritual decisions of individual believers, families, and local churches in this hour, the question must be asked, 'Does anybody believe this anymore?'

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