Friday, February 7, 2025

Many Christians Have Been Fooled to Believe that their President is a Christian

YES, White is one of the biggest clues of the false Christianity that Trump embraces. It makes sense though because she is a prosperity "name it and claim it" false preacher, this would appeal to a man who loves wealth.
Trump is a part of the apostate church, not concerned about obeying the Bible or Christ, only that he "appears" righteous and loved by many.

Chris Quintana said the following?
"Trump is forming a White House faith office. The office will be led by Paula White."
This is, in my opinion, my biggest problem with his picks for anything so far. Not only is she a nut, she has his ear, to whatever degree that she has it.
For all of the belly aching about his choosing "unqualified" people, I give that no attention, his opposition is going to say that. In this case she is unqualified, or better said disqualified. Doctrinally and theologically speaking, she is a dumpster fire, inside of a trainwreck, that fell into a black hole.
May be an image of 2 people and the Oval Office

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