The Nephelim teaching that devils mated with humans.... a lie.
Forgiveness must be given even when someone is not sorry...a lie.
Trust your gut....a lie.
We are not good Christians if we don't attend a building...a lie.
It is alright to divorce and remarry....a lie.
We don't get what we want because we lack faith....a lie.
God wants us to have everything we want....a lie.
Everyone who says they are a Christian must be one....a lie.
Every gathering must have a paid pastor from a seminary...a lie.
Don't ever judge....a lie.
Never correct someone....a lie.
Only men bring the gospel to the lost....a lie.
Religion is the same as Christianity....a lie.
We should never leave behind family members...a lie.
Christ was never harsh with anyone....a lie.
Obey husbands even if they tell you to sin...a lie.
Church gatherings must have a one-man-paid pastor....a lie.
The pastor has authority over the gathering of believers...a lie.
Pastors should be paid a salary....a lie.
A born-again believer can lose their salvation...a lie
It's alright for a believer to sin because they are secure.....a lie.
We don't have to be different from the world...a lie.
We can claim things to gain from God....a lie.
Religion is good no matter which one it is....a lie.
We shouldn't put a sinning brother out of the church...a lie.
We must formally join a church gathering it's like a marriage...a lie.
Pictures of men depicting Christ help us worship....a lie.
Praying to Mary is not idolatry....a lie.
Yoga is good in the church...a lie.
Our actions don't matter as long as our heart is right...a lie.
Rituals in the church are acceptable for worship....a lie.
America has always been a Christian nation....a lie.
Politics in the church gathering is a responsibility...a lie.
Gossip is alright as long as there is a good reason....a lie.
Following ancestors is alright... a lie.
Speaking to the dead is innocent....a lie.
Using pagan practices in the church is acceptable....a lie.
People are basically good...a lie.
The church must meet in a particular building every week...a lie.
The holidays that God never commanded are acceptable...a lie.
Human rituals God never commanded are good...a lie.
The Holy Spirit doesn't speak to us anymore....a lie.
It's alright to be angry with God....a lie.
There is no rapture of the church...a lie.
Astrology is innocent fun....a lie.
Using objects such as WWJD bracelet to evangelize is good...a lie.
If we are ill we must have sinned...a lie.
If the world hates us we must have done something wrong...a lie.
Christ never sends anyone to hell....a lie.
Never leave a family member or long-time friend....a lie.
Dating a divorced person or an unbeliever is alright....a lie.
If someone says it then it must be true.. a lie.
We can speak things into existence just like God....a lie.
The church is the new Israel....a lie.
All miracles are from God... a lie.
Every dream is from God...a lie.
Tithing is commanded by God for the church....a lie.
The "Pastor' is the authority over the congregation..,.a lie.
It is alright to show favoritism because God did....a lie.
Because something works it is the right thing....a lie.
As long as you believe it then it is so....a lie.
We can be too heavenly-minded...a lie.
Competitiveness is a good thing... a lie.
Must follow the Ten Commandments to be saved...a lie.
Must worship on the sabbath...a lie.
It is legalism to expect believers to obey God...a lie.
Using the Holy Spirit as a reason is a crutch...a lie
God gave us a brain we must think for ourselves...a lie.
Christ never showed anger....a lie.
We must know the details of evil to be against them...a lie.
Keep busy with politics to save our country....a lie.
We must have a funeral for the dead...a lie.
This list could be a whole lot longer! Perhaps you can think of some things you have heard that you know is repeated in the church but is not Biblical. I would be interested in what you have heard.
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