Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Have You Been Abused, Christ is the Answer

It is sad that we live in a world so fraught with sin that many things that are done commonly are sinful are being treated as normal and acceptable.

Just recently I was discussing the matter of child abuse with someone who had not been abused. This person could not understand or even believe those who claim they were abused. There was a lack of empathy or even concern for those who are abused.

When someone has not experienced these kind of trials themselves, the testimony of others who have been through it seem surreal to them, they cannot wrap their mind around the fact that someone could do these terrible things, especially if the testimony is about someone they believed all their life was a great person.

There are many emotionally, verbally and physically abused people in our world, who have no one to tell because the extended family members refuse to believe the truth.

I am here to tell you that some testimonies are fabricated, but many if not most are not. Emotional abuse is far more common than physical abuse, and of course this abuse is never reported, because there are no witnesses and it is not a crime.

Narcissists hide their verbal and emotional abuse from those they wish to impress. They make sure to only do their dastardly attacks in private when others are not watching. This is why when a little comment is made that others think is a joke, is taken seriously by the target, they know what the narcissist means by it and what they are doing from recent and past abuse.

There is a book by Dorie Stone, that shows how severely parents can treat their children and how horrid the abuse can become. Dorie was a "scapegoat"child. She was given away by her mother while her mother kept the "golden child", her sister. Her sister was the favored one and Dorie was the rejected one.

The name of this book is "Dorie, the Girl Nobody Loved." It is well worth reading for those who have experienced every form of abuse possible. Dorie was a mean child in the beginning because of all she endured, but after finding Christ she was healed from her abuse and her response to life changed, she became a kind and loving child.

Make no mistake, those who are abused, whichever form it takes, can see the tactics clearly, no matter how covert, while the world remains skeptical to believe anything they have no been through or seen for themselves.

But guess what.....God sees it all and God can deliver from all of it. In Dorie's case she was not delivered after she became born again, she remained in situations of abuse, but her testimony will blow your socks off, she says, the abuse continued but God went through with her. She survived, was no longer broken and saw that it was not about her, it was the evil of the abuser that was the problem.

Abused and broken people often think something is wrong with them, after all, how could people treat us so badly unless we deserved it. This is what the abuser attempts to inculcate into our soul, that we are worthless, unworthy of love and helpless to be anything but disgusting refuse.

This mentality that feels entitled to abuse others is coming from the father of lies, the devil himself. He thinks if he can keep people broken and diminished continually, he can motivate these broken people to hate and blame God.

If you are a broken one who has been tormented by evil people all your life, please pray and reject the idea that God did this to you. God allowed you to go through this as learning, it was not his will and all the evil people who do this will be punished at the end of it all.

Everything we go through in this life has value and purpose, if we trust Christ we will see things most others do not see and have the wisdom of Solomon, but only if we trust in Christ.

Those who have gone through horrid things and do not have Christ, respond to life in anger, often destroying their own life as they lean into their feelings of worthlessness.

When we have trusted Christ we know that He loved us so much that He went through terrible abuse in payment of our sin, that we might live for eternity with Him. So you see, His suffering was not less than ours, it was even worse, and He was doing it on purpose for others.

Christ could have come off of that cross, He is God! But He chose to remain for the sake of humanity.

When we see our suffering as having purpose and that it could not measure up to what Christ went through, this makes it a little easier to endure and recover when the abuse is over.

Our flesh never completely recovers from the abuse, but we don't have to cogitate on it continually, it is better to replace those ugly thoughts with the Word of God and on Christ Himself.

Romans 5:3-5
"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

When you encounter those who do not believe what you endured, move on to new relationships who will not negate what you know. Those who are focused on Christ should be our continual companions, they only have one agenda and that is to glorify Him, learn from their life experiences and enjoy engaging in yours.

Romans 12:15
"15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep."

Hallelujah, remember how much Christ loved us, no person can love us as much as He did and does.

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