Monday, November 19, 2018

Essential Oils and Sorcery?

I am convinced that the use of "essential oils" is not of God, it is associated with sorcery and witchcraft.

It is astounding how so many practices of the pagans are being reintroduced into our culture, even our Christian churches as "healing" substances.

Research the use of essential oils in witchcraft and see what you find. It may shock you.

I have been praying that God would show me why I have an aversion to these substances. The first thing I do when I have a sensitiveness in my spirit about a practice is ask God why I am feeling alerted or warned.

Those who sell essential oils use terms like "getting in touch with your life force" and "a deeper spiritual awareness", as well as "dream catchers." Other words used are "balance", "female energy", "highest potential", "energy alignment", "negative energy, "positive energy", "inner awareness" and many other terms that sound impressive but are not found in the Word of God anywhere.

There are those who have bought into many new age things recently, some of those are "animal rights", "essential oils", "Christian Yoga" as well as other practices that came directly out of paganism.

One of the tools of the devil is to take a pagan practice, Christianisze it as good for the body and mind and market it as harmless. It is important to saturate our minds with the word of God that we would be able to discern truth from very clever deception.

Our world is full of deception these days, so much so there is more deception than truth in most gatherings.

The day we decide we want truth more than anything else is the day we will ask the Lord to reveal to us anything and everything that is not of Him and replace it with His thoughts and His mind.

May each one reading this set aside their inkling to argue this point and begin to ask God. I will not entertain here any ideas that pertain to the benefits of these practices. God has warned me and I am attempting to warn others.

Jeremiah 10:2-3 "2 This is what the LORD says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by the signs in the heavens, although the nations are terrified by them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless;"

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